Hey, I’m Avi Arora!

I am the author behind the Analytics Arora blog. I started programming when I was 11 years old, learning Java at a technology summer camp. Since then I have continued to grow as a developer and maintained a hunger to learn along the way.

I graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology where I am pursuing a Masters in Computer Science with a concentration in Machine Learning and a B.S in Computer Science with concentrations in human centered computing and artificial intelligence.

As of 2023, I work at Microsoft on ROAR (Responsible & Open Ai Research), helping to build state-of-the-art multimodal multilingual technology that is context-aware and culturally sensitive. 

About The Blog

I started this blog to help developers of all skill levels progress in their journey into data analysis and machine learning. As you transition away from your basic programming classes and have developed strong fundamentals, you are faced with a sea of potential sub-fields where Computer Science can be applied.

I wanted to learn about Machine Learning, so I took a course through my school that gave me a solid introduction, I found myself struggling to apply what I learned practically. But as I continued to learn I found more niche gaps in my understanding. Analytics Arora is a resource for those who want to learn about machine learning, computer vision, or artificial intelligence and don’t know where to go next.

Avi’s Projects

Explore some of my past projects from university work, personal explorations, and my company Octtone.

Octtone Spatial Audio

An algorithm developed in Swift to convert mono channel audio to a format popularly known as 8D audio, also called spatial audio. Conversion occurs in real-time on the users device, allowing any song to be played in the format.



A bluetooth enabled blender and self-made scale connected to an Alexa skill.

2nd Place Overall HackGT 6
Best Alexa Skill for Students
(Presented by Amazon)
Best Lifestyle Hack
(Presented by Accenture)


O My Soul

A Christian Meditation app with daily devotionals, original sermons, bible quizzes, sleep radio and more.

iOS Application
150,000+ Downloads
6,000+ Reviews


The Needle Bot

Web application that rates songs like Anthony Fantano, a popular music reviewer, using a neural network trained on his past reviews.



App that uses Optical Character Recognition to scan printed URL’s. Similar to a QR code scanner but for normal URL’s on posters and signs


DCGAN + Conway’s Game of Life

Implemented DCGAN and trained it on various works of fine art. Then used Conway’s game of life to inform the input latent vector, producing interesting results.


My Resume
